About Blockchain Wayne

I have been managing, teaching, and coaching high-performing teams for over 20+ years. 8+ years ago my passion for helping and teaching people was merged with my passion for technology as I learned more about cryptocurrency and web3 projects. Digging deep and learning about the issues with the current legacy financial systems solidified my passion for cryptocurrency and all things related to it. Also, with many predators taking advantage of people with fake cryptocurrency scams and high-cost-low-value education programs, I decided to make my sole focus on educating and coaching others. I realize the road to mass adoption must travel through education and user-friendly platforms. I also realized over many years of coaching others that education without proper mindset and personal development coaching doesn’t lead to desired results. Through our strategic partners and personalized 1-on-1 coaching and education program, I will give you the right tools and mindset needed to make the right decisions in this space. 

Cryptocurrency and Web3 Education 

With my offerings of various coaching programs and partnerships with select education platforms and cryptocurrency program tools, you will get the most well rounded training and coaching that will not only help you in cryptocurrency but also in many aspects of life, like a well rounded wheel. 

Cryptocurrency and Web3 Education,  Personal Development Coaching, and Business Solutions

After a needs assessment, I will craft a custom solution designed for either your personal needs and goals, or a business solution for your company such as educational content for your site, social media management, and/or content creation from my crypto collective group.

Ongoing Support For Whatever Needs Arise, Now And In The Future

Building a personalized approach for your needs, we can adapt as needed and as your needs for cryptocurrency and web3 education evolve. As cryptocurrency becomes more mainstream, individuals and businesses will have a growing need to understand all aspects of this space. Jump ahead of the curve with your solution now.